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Getting Started

Opendock is an online dock appointment scheduling tool. Facilities such as warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing plants use it to organize their docks and schedule appointments for outbound pickups and inbound deliveries.


We now provide an SSO option for User Authentication. Read the docs here.

Our APIs

We have 3 main APIs:

  • REST API called Neutron for performing standard HTTP operations.
  • Real-time API called Subspace for receiving streaming events whenever objects are Created/Updated/Deleted.
  • Appointment Validation aka "PO Validation" protocol for validating PO numbers (or similar) before an appointment is scheduled.

Neutron - REST API

All endpoints are listed here. Depending on your User Role, some may be forbidden. Almost all endpoints expect a simple JWT token to be set in the Authorization: Bearer HTTP header. Read more about the authentication here.

Base URL

The base URL for API requests depends on the environment you are using. We have a production and a staging (testing) environment. You are welcome to use the staging environment to test your integrations, but please remember this environment is not meant for production use, and will be subject to changes and resets.

  • Production:
  • Staging:

Slack Workspace

We have a Slack workspace where you can ask questions, report issues, and get help from our team. You can join it clicking here. It is free to join and you can invite your team members as well.


The Slack workspace is intended for API subjects only. For other topics, please use the regular support channels.