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Create Shipments

The Shipments API is an essential component for integrating shipment data. It enables customers to automate the shipment creation process by using existing data from other systems, reducing manual or inefficient data entry.

Shippers may provide detailed shipping information to simplify the shipment creation process and save manual or repeat entries. To create a new shipment, use the Create a shipment endpoint.

Shipments structure

A Shipment is structured into three fundamental parts:

  1. Primary Information
  2. Stops
  3. Handling Units

Primary information

The primary information of a shipment includes essential details:

  • Mode of transportation: Indicates the mode, such as FTL (Full Truckload), LTL (Less Than Truckload), and so on. Once set, it cannot be altered. If changes need to be made, a new shipment must be created, or duplicated via interface.
  • Equipment types: Specific equipment types can be used based on the mode of transportation, such as Dry Van in combination with LTL.

ShipperGuide also allows the customer to supply a couple of additional attributes for the shipment:

  • BOL: A unique identifier for the shipment, often used for legal and tracking purposes.
  • Shipment reference: An internal reference for identifying the shipment within your organization.
  • Mileage: If provided, this information is used to calculate the shipping cost. If mileage is not specified, the system will calculate it automatically.
  • Target Rate: An optional field where you can specify the desired shipping cost. This rate is applicable for reporting, 'Book it Now', and 'Auto Tender' features. If left blank, the system may calculate a rate based on internal calculations.


A shipment can have up to 14 stops, beginning with a pickup, and ending with a delivery.

  • Facility full address: The complete address of the facility, applicable only within the United States and Canada. The system matches this with stored facilities or creates a new entry if unmatched.
  • Index: Indicates the order of the stops. The first one must be zero.
  • Type: Specifies whether it's Delivery or Pickup. If no stop is specified, the initial stop is set to Pickup, followed by Delivery.
  • Planned date: The expected stop date, if suitable.
  • Instructions: Any special instructions or notes about the stop that will be saved for future reference.

Handling Units

Handling units are individual packages or groups of items within a shipment. This information is required for PTL and LTL shipments.

  • Quantity: The number of handling units.
  • Type: The type of handling unit, such as a pallet or box. For information on allowed values, see the API documentation.
  • Dimensions: The height, length, and width of the handling unit.
  • Stackable: Indicates whether the handling units can be stacked.
  • Turnable: Indicates whether the handling units can be turned during transport.
  • Purchase Order Numbers: An array of PO numbers associated with the handling units.
  • Sales Order Numbers: An array of SO numbers associated with the handling units.
  • Stop Index: The location at which the handling units shall be picked up and dropped off.
  • Max temperature: If temperature control is required, this setting specifies the highest temperature that the handling unit can reach. This will keep the entire shipment temperature-controlled.
  • Movement: For reporting purposes, this field indicates the type of movement. The typical values are ‘Inbound’, ‘Outbound’, and ‘Transfer’.
  • Commodities: A detailed description of the commodities or items being shipped.